Friday, April 1, 2011


Interviews are used for serveral different purposes. They can be used to do research for your research paper, or they can be used for a company to find out about a person applying for a job. When planning to interview a person you should either write down different questions that you have for them or make a list of questions in your head. In the interviews we have to do in our research paper, they don't really have much of a focus other than it has to do with the site that you're looking at. Something that you should avoid when conducting an interview would be to ask too many closed questions. Closed questions are questions that the person you're interviewing can only answer with one word. Try to think of questions that the person could expand on, something they have an opinion about. If they are going on and on about one question that you ask them, you could come across another question you have for them through their answer. Interviews shouldn't be too hard to do, the hardest part is thinking of good question you could ask. They are useful and give you good information as long as you ask the right questions.