Monday, November 29, 2010


Evaluating something is basically your opinion about a certain subject. After reading pages 102-118 in "How to Write Anything" I've learned easy ways on how to evaluate things. This will be helpful when writing my fourth essay, because we have to look at different "reviews" which are just evaluations of the different movies/albums. We, also, have to write our own review on a movie or album of our choice. This information will be helpful in forming my opinion about the movie of my choice, which is "The Notebook". I believe that I am constantly evaluating things, I just don't write those things down all of the time!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Rhetorical Analysis

The article assigned for reading on the subject of 'Rhetorical Analysis' taught me alot. Before reading this I had heard of the word rhetorical but never really searched to find out what it meant. I've written quite a few rhetorical analysis', but I didn't know that they were called that at the time. I learned that a rhetorical analysis is what you write about a something. It is your opinion on someone else's work/ideas, and it is supposed to be persuasive. I guess there are things in this world that I do that I just don't know the names of. I must have written over a dozen papers like this in highschool, but the teachers just didn't call them that.

Presentation of 'The Scientific Method'

As a person I consider myself very shy. I always have been. Presenting to me is like jumping out of an airplane for most people...not even joking. When people get ready to jump out of an airplane their heart races, they hope that it'll go well, but most have doubts that something bad could happen. That's exactly how I feel when I get ready to do a presentation and there's no way for me to stop it. I don't know why it happens, but it always does. Always. I try to calm myself down in my head but I can't. Once I get up there everything is blury and I forget everything that I am supposed to know. When my group had to present the scientific method I wasn't completely freaking out at first, but once we got up there I wanted to run out of the room. I can't tell you why but presenting is probably one of the only things that I get really nervous about. I never get nervous on tests or at interviews or when I have a big paper due, just when I present! Oh well, it's over now!