Friday, March 25, 2011


In the document containing Nicole Williams research on the Hanover Bowladrome, she uses a lot of detail. She talks about everything from the attitudes of the women in the different bowling leagues, to the number of years some of them have been bowling. When talking about the couple who bought the Hanover Bowladrome six years ago, she gets very specific. She talks about how it seems as if their sons will not stop bowling anytime soon and about the different bowling alley locations that the couple, Hank and Carol, used to own. She mentions the names of the sons and gives descriptions of the other workers at the alley. Also, she uses quotes from what people say to her. That shows that she talked to not only one person, but a few different people. She doesn't put their conversations in quotations, but just parts of them and continues to explain how the conversation goes on. It looks as if she just used this as a rough draft to get everything she learned down on paper. There is no heading, and two titles: "Hanover Gems" and "All in the Family". Before those two parts of her research, she does actual research on bowling and how it started. So not only does she do research on her current site, but she goes deeper into how it started, where it came from and how it advanced technologically over time. I'd say it was a very good way start to a research paper!

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